so i was reading through all these old choir blog posts from ages and ages ago, and i was rather amused.
i quote,
"late comers will be fined with jumping jacks"- liz
funny, coz we still say that. same words and everything.
kay maybe not jumping jacks.
"To put things into better perspective, we have 11 practices until our concert and only 7 of them are conductor-led.- liz (again)
gahh the "to put things in perspective" thing and "only _ practices are conductor-led" thing.
it's almost as if choir presidents are given a "helpful phrases to use during rehearsal" handbook of something.
well that's all.
man that was random.
okay tata.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hey choirrrrrrrrr here are the notices: 1. Choir fees: if you haven't paid (today was like the latest) better bring on wednesday 2. Pullovers: anyone who wants to design something for the pullover, draw it out and pass to Ellissa in 4M 3. Choir cards:Newbies remember to look for one of the teachers and pass them your money in a bag. State- number of bags sold, number left, amount of money, name and class/ 4. Choir tickets: On wednesday, tell Miss Tham how many tickets you have sold and amount collected, but she will only collect stubs in groups of 5. (WE'RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE SOLD ALL 5 BY NEXT WEEK) Thanks!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hi Choir! I just found this pretty cool performance of Jaakobin, so check it out! But Christina's solo is BETTTTTTTTER! :B And when they do that whole ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuben leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevi juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuda thingy it's cute cos they look at each other etc. SO CHECK IT OUT!
The holidays are kind of almost over, not to say choir camp. I really enjoyed this year's choir camp, actually more than last year's one... Although the singing was quite intense, and we like practiced for like 6 hours. Many people kept looking at the clock. It was really fun. I actually got to interact with the new people and the juniors.
However, for the blind trail, I kept getting lost because the people in front of me kept going so fast, while the poeple at the back kept pulling me. But honestly, it felt really fun getting lost, as I could lead the people at the back at my own comfortable speed, althought I was joined back so quickly by the camp comm that were guiding us.
We learnt a lot of new things that is quite impossible to forget like FAITH, TRUST, TEAMWORK.
I'm quite sad that the camp is over, cause I enjoyed all the singing. I didn't really enjoy it this much before, as I felt that we did not use our hearts to enjoy the music that we make, and we were just singing for the ssake of singing and learning and memorising. Now for once, I actually enjoyed the music I was making.
I can't wait for the next practice, though I know it will be very intense as we are supposed to be memorising scores already. I hope all choir members will enjoy singing, and not sing because you are made to sing.
Janice :)
heyy choir:DDDDD
it's ave regina coelorum! and not just any ave regina coelorum. KO MATSUSHITA'S AVE REGINA COELORUM!!
you won't believe how many different ave regina coelorums there are on youtube.
anyway, hope the video helps:)
oh yeah, hope you had fun during choir camp.
it was awesome, no?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Well, CHOIR CAMP 2010 IS OFFICIALLY OVER. =( It's okay!! Now you can all look forward to choir camp 2011!!! =D Yeah, all except sec 4s...hinthint, we're leaving soon, so coughFAREWELLcough...nevermind, we'll come back and join you for camp next year, kay? Only difference is that we won't sleep on the super-duper-hard MEP room floor...heheh!
I'm gonna keep this short, so just wanted to say that I hope that all of you enjoyed camp VERY MUCH. Of course, there was the good and there was the bad, but overall, I think there was more good than bad, so...SMILE!
I think that camp was a great time of fellowship, learning and growth, so personally, I am happy with the outcome of camp. Just make sure you take home whatever you've learnt, whatever it may be, and remember that choir is just as fun as you make it. This camp could have been a disaster if everyone refused to cooperate, but because of everyone's enthusiasm, we ALL had fun! Let's do the same for our practices, kay?
Well, a few take-away pointers: 1. We are better than we think. Apply all that you've learnt everytime you sing, and we'll grow into the best choir WE CAN BE.
2. Energy and attitude are the two most key things in choral singing. Musicality will take care of itself if we give off our best.
3. Yes, I know you're all waiting for me to say it, so, have FAITH, TRUSTand TEAMWORK!=D Love you all! eli sayampanathan
"They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, declares the LORD, to deliver you." - Jeremiah 1:19
HOPE THAT Y'ALL HAD AN AWESOME TIME AT CHOIR CAMP. I'm missing it already, and it's the sec3s' second-last year..... so enjoy your time while you still can.
anyway I shall do a sum-up of camp!
remember the three things that are very very important, that we learnt during the camp:
- BREATHE. ( i.e. the cup thing) you do know, of course that obviously because voice comes with breath, so for the voice/sound to be good, you have to BREATHE DEEPER. and use stomach muscles, expand stomach outwards, and be prepared before entries in the music
- ANGER. when you're angry, you'll have the kind of energy that is needed in all the pieces. stomach muscles will naturally be used. dont forget the emotional colours that we learnt during the workshop with Branco Stark, and apply it to the other pieces, not just Hodie. if it helps, do the hand movement thing. you have to really mean the punches, not just wave your hand up and down. but then again, when you're feeling "anger" in your energy, you have to add on externally and show happiness/laughter.
- PHYSICALITY/ENERGY! as vocalists, our instrument has a lot to do with how you're standing, and what you're feeling, so like, be enthu and dare to do things that look weird, but in actual fact helps with your singing. bring the life into the pieces!!
and another thing, in the next few weeks, months, we'll have to work very very hard, so be prepared to be memorising a whole lot of scores within the next few weeks. so it's best to start memorising, like now. memorisation table will be up soon, with all the deadlines and all, so yeah.
OH on a more helpful note, I FOUND VIDEOS!!!!!
SISTER ACT 2 - Joyful Joyful
Sister Act 1 - Hail Holy Queen
yeah so go watch and learn how to sing the songs.
lotsa craziness, christie
Sunday, March 07, 2010
hope y'all have been going through your scores and memorising them. reminder that this week we will be having extra practices. please remember what slots you signed up for, and go for them.
I was searching youtube, and to aid those who are new to learning the scores, I found a video of a choir singing examine me. so take a look at the video, and get an idea of how the piece should sound like.
Examine me: (the piece starts at about 30seconds into the video)